Meaning valuation fee
What does valuation fee mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word valuation fee. You can also add a definition of valuation fee yourself


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valuation fee

A fee which may be charged if the lender seeks to cover the cost of valuing the property taken as security for the loan. For more information on fees involved in buying a home, including valuation fees, go to our pages on valuations.
Source: (offline)


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valuation fee

The fee paid by a prospective borrower for the lender's required inspection of a property.


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valuation fee

Th fee paid by the prospective borrower for the lender's inspection of the property. Normally paid upon loan application.
Source: (offline)


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valuation fee

A fee charged by property valuers to appraise the properties. The valuation fees start from a few hundred ringgit upwards, depending on the value of the properties.
Source: (offline)

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